Friday, February 22, 2008


So we found out what was wrong with Bec.. they found a tumor in her brain.. so she is in Tucson at the moment its been really scary.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crazy Weekend with Bec

the new stuff at the moment is a little crazy! on friday my friends and i had gone to the institute dance and were being goofy and crazy when my friend becca had fainted. we just thought that she had gotten too hot so we tooker her outside to get some air. she seemed little out of it so we had taken her home... but it didnt get any better so we took her to the ER and they said that everything wasw fine. when we talked to her roommates brother whoes a dr. he said that she probably had, had a small seizure. her memory is still a little slow on remembering things and she doesnt really like big crowds... but man does she say some of the funniest things when she is a little out of it!! she was quoting Brian Regan today with the straightest face i have ever seen and she keept asking about the chicken it was hilairous! so she still has her ups and downs but its getting better!
P.S. this picture is from a GCRC dance for the mentally handicapt in the Gila Valley . Bec, Chris, & I. we had so much fun!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Crazy Life

Lets see.... life has be non stop since i came to college.. Taking 17 credits... at Easter Arizona College. I have Anatomy and Physiology, Math, English, Nutrition, Phlebotomy, and Bowling (Didnt think that i would have such a random class did ya!). Then i work full time as a CNA (Certified Nurses Assistant) at the hospital here in Safford. My family wishes that i could get home more often then not. If mom could have it her was she would have me going to school at home.