Thursday, May 29, 2008


When we were at reunion the boys loved Jason. They did a ton of stuff. We played Trouble. He carried them all over camp and he taught them how to play paper, rock, scisors. They made s'mores. They stood on his feet to stay out of the mud because of all the snow we had. It was so funny cause Jason had to take a nap. After that they were at it again. we were so whiped out that we slept like rocks.

When we got to Vernon on Friday we were supprised to see a foot of snow. Thats when the fun started! the trailer wouldnt pop up.. so dad and Jason were under the trailer trying to figure out what was going on. So we ended up back at Nana's. Then when we went back on saturday we went to set up Jason's tent we found out that there wasn't any tent poles. It was quiet funny. so we all ended sleeping in the trailer once we got it put up. it was the funnest weekend!


Mayann said...

Could you update my blog address?

Mayann said...

Your blog is very that I am learning this blog thing I want a weekly update to look at on yours!!

Raenell Sollers said...

Hey Cam-B! I got a Blog 2!!
luv nellio!!

Raenell Sollers said...

I'm surprised you don't have music on your blog. You otta get some!
P.S. Write back!!

randa_joy said...

I found your blog no thanks to you stinker. and dido to your mom's request for weekly updates with pictures!!

T+C=N said...

Im agreeing with your mom and Randa.. UPDATE PLEASE!!!